miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2008

Desiree's Baby

Desiree’s Baby by Kate Chopin

Pre-reading Activities

Find information about the Deep South around 1850. Focus specially on the most relevant historical facts and the social and economic context.
Why do you think that the story is called Desiree’s Baby? What does the title suggest? Does the name Desiree remind you of any word you know?

Click on the following link and read the short story: http://www.readbookonline.net/readOnLine/857/

While- reading activities

Decide if these statements are TRUE or FALSE. Give reasons for your answers.

a) Monsieur Valmondé found Desiree when she was a month old.
b) Desiree, who was learning to walk, had lost her way unintentionally.
c) Armand was worried about Desiree’s obscure origin and the fact that she was nameless.
d) Madame Valmondé was happy to see that her daughter lived in such a welcoming atmosphere.
e) Young Aubigny was as kind and indulgent with negroes as his father had been.

Role Play:
You are Desiree. You feel miserable because your husband has changed his attitude towards you and your baby. Besides you suspect that your baby might have some black ancestor. Talk to Armand and try to find out what he thinks and why he is so angry.

You are Armand. You are very angry and disappointed. Lately you’ve avoided seeing Desiree and the baby. Say what the matter with you is.

Follow-up activities

In the light of what you have read, what can you say about the title of the story? Is it a good title? Why/ why not? Does it reflect various aspects of the story? If so which?

Why did Desiree ask her husband if he wanted her to go and then act on his
decision? Do you think this merely reflected her character or society at the time
of the story?

Before the last few lines of the story, are there any clues given by the author
which hint at the true cause of the baby’s appearance? If so, which are they?

Why was it assumed that Desiree was the reason her child was not white?

In which way is the ending of the story ironic? Explain.
Why do you think Mr. and Mrs Aubigny had not told Armand about his origin?

Go back to the story and complete the following crossword puzzle.

1. _ _ _ D _ _ _ _
2. _ _ _ _ E _ _ _ _
3. _ _ _ S _
4. _ _ _ _ _ I _ _
5. _ _ _ _ _ _ R
6. _ E _ _ _ _ _ _
7. _ _ _ _ _ E

8. _ S _ _ _ _ _ _

9. B _ _ _ _
10. _ _ A _ _
11. B _ _ _ _
12. _ Y _ _

1. Of one- fourth African ancestry.
2. Wedding presents given by the groom to the bride.
3. Desiree was the child of their affection as they could not have a child of the ___.
4. When Desiree was found she was learning to walk. She was of the _______ age.
5. Tremble
6. Dressing-gown.
7. Cot where the baby sleeps.
8. Marriage ceremony.
9. Mark of slavery.
10.Trouble making playful child.
11. Marshy arm of a river.
12. Pile of wood for burning a dead body in India and other countries with similar customs. Bonfire.

Writing: Choose one of the following options.
· Tell the story from Armand’s point of view. Describe his feelings and his reactions throughout the story and the moment he learns the truth. How does hid life go on?
· Write a new story set in any part of the world at present in which there is a conflict that involves discrimination of some type and in which one of the characters is humiliated because of this.

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